Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Ten Hot Tips For AdSense Optimization

Ten Hot Tips For AdSense Optimization

This post is in continuation with my previous post on SEO tips.My entire focus is on to extract practical information which everyone can easily apply and benefit from while optimizing AdSense.Your 'make money with AdSense' dream will churn big bucks with lot of analysis in deciphering AdSense functioning which is usually not explained by Google.I would recommend before jumping straight to the tips which I have suggested in this blog,do read the following posts on AdSense of mine in the past, which will help in better understanding of AdSense:
# Google AdSense Content Policy
# Google AdSense Policies Unleashed
# Decyphering AdSense
Google is a fan of new,unique content and it regularly keeps enhancing,modifying its algorithms in order to crawl new and quality content on WWW.So if you are a blogger or own a website,be original.

1. Knowing high paying keywords is very crucial as AdSense contextual ads are generated on the keywords which you might have used in your article.It is a good practice to analyze these keywords at least once a week and not less than thrice a month.Keep updating your posts to target AdSense ads.Refer my SEO post to check out the ways to research on Keywords related to your website content.Google Suggest and Keyword Discovery are two free tools which may help you to decide on keywords to choose.It is important to pick a keyoword which is uniques,good priced and less fought for amongst publishers.

2. It is very important, how do you present advertisements to you target audience.Create channels for each type and format(Text Links ads,Skyscrapper,Horizontal,Vertical etc.) of ads to give you an insight on performance of each format.Blend these ads with the layout and presentation of your blog and website theme.Ads should not stand out from your website but compliment the contents of your website.

3. Avoid making pages which simply shows ads,it not only creates a bad reputation of yours as a publisher amongst your audience but also against Google policies.

4. Keep changing placements of your ads,be innovative to increase CTR of your pages.Make your pages clean,clutter-free and place ads which makes their purpose most fruitful.There is no hard and fast rule of how you can generate more clicks from your ads.Keep experimenting with integrating Channels for getting better results.General guides for ad placements which work well,but surely not a guarantee of continued CTR increase:

a.Skyscrappers best suits on the left side navigation bar.

b.Link ads depending upon format may best be suited either on top of page or in right side bar(square format).

c.Place ads between your contents.You will have to make changes to your template in case of blogs, for which there are lot of websites providing you hack.

d.Do not make lengthy pages as most of web-surfers hate browsing down the long pages.It is better you distribute information into multiple pages and link them up.

e.Place Google Search Ad either at top or in right side navigation bar.

f.Refer following map from 'Google AdSense Help' website which gives detail on positioning of Google Ads within a blog.

5. AdWord KeywordTool helps you in finding out values of phrases and keywords associated with your business.I will not write much here in detail as I have covered the same in my previous post.Google AdSense Sandbox is tool that lets you punch in keywords and see the results right away... in every different format of AdSense unit.

6. Ensure pinging service is enabled to maintain the consistency of traffic to your website.Use multiple pinging services like:
In Blogger enable 'Send Pings' by setting it to 'Yes' in Settings-Publishing tab.

7. Avoid filtering of your ads.As filtering helps in avoiding unwanted ads but it decreases the number of ads shown.Less ads may trigger less CTR but it is not a hard and fast rule.A reader must feel an urge for ad click as an extension of information or service that your website is providing in.

8. According to AdSense CTR =[(No of Clicks on Ads)/(Total ad/ad unit/page Impressions)]*100.

It is very important to know that one must never ever discuss one's CTR in public forums as this leads to breach of Google policy.

For High CTR one needs more clicks and less page impressions.A high traffic to ones site is not a guarantee for high CTR.I explain it with one example:

If you have a low traffic website,say only 10 visits a day and you show only 1 Google ad and which results in 4 clicks then on this day your CTR will be 40%

But if you have a high traffic,say 100 visits and you show 1 Google ad and which results in 4 clicks then on this day your CTR will be 4%.
One shouldn't be aiming for at target figure at all, one should be aiming to improve to whatever level is possible with one's site.Make few minor changes to layout and styling which my result in good CTR.
I think it $$ which everyone is interested in not the CTR,you simply cannot buy anything from those CTRs.So who cares as long as $$ are coming in.

9. The page impressions differ from ad unit impressions. If multiple ad units are present on a page,only a single page impression will be logged when a page with Google ads loads, irrelevant of the number of ad units.It is significant you exploit Google policies related to number of ads per page to the maximum of your benefit,so whenever a new design experiment, design a custom report for that experiment.You can make multiple custom reports and save them for quick access in the future.

10. Incorporate Referral products ad and Google search ad in your blog/website to increase your earnings.

I hope by applying these tactics, one may find a substantial increase in ones earnings and I am least bother about CTR, you know.If you think this post really helped you in some way then link it back to your website, if it does not cost too much....:-))

Labels: Adsense, Hot, Optimization, Tips

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