Wednesday, 20 June 2007

StumbleUpon for Blogger

StumbleUpon for Blogger.

StumbleUpon is another social bookmarking site which you can add to your post footers......

Viewers coming across any of your posts which they feel are good can "Stumble It" by clicking on the Stumble Upon icon in the post footer. Stumble Upon has a great Page Rank so if your site gets a backlink from there it can only benefit it. Besides rather than searching for quality web sites, StumbleUpon members are taken directly to web sites matching their personal interests and preferences. The StumbleUpon Toolbar is integrated with the user's browser to allow for one-click access to quality web sites. A simple 2-level rating system gives users the opportunity to pass on or give their opinion on any webpage with a single click. These ratings also connect people sharing unique combinations of interests. Stumblers share their favorite web sites and interact with other users to further improve their web surfing experience. An obscure but interesting site can be immediately shared with other like-minded users. Old or low-quality sites can be removed if their ratings become too low. The participation of community members helps maintain a database of the most up-to-date and highest quality sites possible.

First save this icon to your PC and upload it to a freehost like Googlepages and copy down its link. To add this icon to the post footer login to your Dashboard and click on Page Elements. Then click on Edit Html tab next to it. Put a check in the Expand Widgets Template box and scroll down in Edit Template text box till you come to this line in Blog Posts footer :

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