Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Submit Your RSS Feed To Google Now

Submit Your RSS Feed To Google Now

Google switched on what may be a feature marking an historical evolutionary point in the evolution of the most popular Internet search engine.
Within the Google Personalized Home Page facility, Google has in fact activated a full RSS aggregator, capable of bringing together on your private Google Home page any and all the feeds that you want to subscribe to.

It goes with it that for Google to make this possible, it is also capturing, indexing and tracking any and each of those RSS feeds, though what the most popular search engine is exactly going to do with that feed data is not yet visible to the public.
So in one shot Google opens up officially to full RSS adoption and use, launches an online RSS aggregator that is easy and functional to use and opens up the door for RSS feed submissions directly to its indexes.
The new Google Personalized Home page allows indeed easy addition of RSS feed URLs, though the interface isn't as sleek and functional as the one from Microsoft Start, which I like so far the best.
With this move Google equalizes somehow the advantage that Yahoo and Microsoft had taken over it with earlier introductions of their Web-based RSS aggregators and officially steps into the RSS-fray for indexing and leveraging at some point or another the full cloud of RSS content that it will be collecting.
And for those of you interested in increasing the reach and visibility of your RSS feeds, you now have a fast, easy and direct way to submit your those feeds to Google itself.
While it is hard to say now how and when Google will start leveraging that RSS-based content to augment, expand and diversify its search capabilities, it is almost certain that at it will.
So, to make your blog and RSS feed part of this new Google index, head off to the Google Personalized Home page facility and follow this simple instructions:
a) If you don't have a Google Account click here and create one now. (If you do just go to and log in)
b) Sign in on the Google Personalized Home Page.

c) Look at the left column and click on "Create a section".
d) Input your RSS or Atom feed directly.
That's all!

For now, the Google Personalized Home page displays only a the feed title (cut off to the first three words) and the titles (only) of the latest posts appearing in it.
Please test it out yourself, and let me have your feedback and insight.

N.B.: While testing further the new Google Personalized Home Page features, I also noticed that, nonetheless I do have a GMail account, I wasn't able to make Google display a feed of the latest emails show up on this page. While I could have input the RSS feed that is generated by GMail accounts by default, I wanted to see whether there was any way to specify which GMail account I wanted to monitor. But, as it seems, I'll have to wait for this.

For now Google only allows me to specify how many email messages I want to preview here, but gives me no option to specify my Gmail account.

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